Scene 1: Scene 1 is of course the introduction and it will start of with some cinematics of scenes we will film in, such as the park, or one of the members homes. The song starts off with a slow beat so this will fit perfectly with the introduction. Scene 2: Scene 2 will transition from the cinematics into a scene of the name of the song covering the members of the group walking down a road. This will be the beginning of building up of the hype of the song. This scene will consist of an over the shoulder shot of the members. It will begin with a fade in, transition into an over the shoulder shot and zoom out into a wide-shot. The screen will dissolve to fade into the next scene. Scene 3: As this song has no "exact" message, and is more of a pop style hype song there is no main character and all members will get to be in it. After transitioning out of the dissolve the scene will show one members riding in on a bike, this will be a slow motion entrance, and will be the forefron...