Final Genre: Thriller

The genre we chose for our Final Task is the thriller genre. We all came together after school and had a long talk about which genre to chose. Out of the following 3 genres thriller,comedy, and love we chose thriller. One of the reasons we chose to use the thriller genre is because the type of shots are easy to film. One of the most popular shots used in a thriller is a establishing shot which is one of the easiest and most important type of shots. An establishing shot is the first shot in a scene which shows an overview of the setting. We can use a establishing shot to show when the action is happening and where it's happening. An establishing shot used in a thriller is much more important and easier to shoot compared to a comedy or a love story since in a thriller the setting is everything. Another Shot that is extremely useful and easy to shoot in a thriller is a tracking shot. A tracking shot is when the camera physically moves in any direction. Again this an extremely easy shot to use and the impact it has is huge. We can use the tracking shot to show that someone is getting followed which builds up ton of suspense making the movie even better. Another reason we chose the thriller genre over the other is because of how easy it is to get the right costume. The costumes used in thriller movies are normal everyday cloths or old ones which is really convenient. Another reason why Thriller was chosen was because it is not hard to produce the sound. One example is diegetic sound which is when everyone is quite and the surrounding area can be heard. Another example of a sound is incidental music which is just suspenseful music which builds up tension. A huge reason why we chose thriller was because of the lighting  . The lighting for thrillers consists of dark and eerie shots but also shots in the day time. This is amazing sine we can record in the day time and if it gets dark we can control film and it won't affect the film. Over all these are the main reasons why our group chose the thriller genre. 


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