Begin Editing
My partner and I filmed for 2 class periods, but the second day was cut short because of a PSD. After I finished filming, I went home and uploaded the files to my computer. In an earlier blog, I stated that I didn't take that many shots, but there were about 150 files. I did not realize I took that many videos. It took quite a while to download all of those files, but luckily they were small, so it wouldn't take me too long to sift through. I put all of the clips on Adobe Premier. The editing process was very tedious. I was having to delete many of those 150 clips and merge them. My partner and I had previously went through audio clips to find the right song to overlay in the video. I found one and put it in the commercial. I also had to find the transitions that fit best with our vision and to make it look sporty and clean. So, the first night I edited, I put the best of the clips together and it was not that pretty. The transitions looked awful and eventually got it to look sleek. I spent a couple hours on it and eventually got tired of doing homework, so I wrapped up and kept it as is.
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