Group Blog
Hi, my name is Keith and I chose this class because I have had many friends take it and I've heard great things about it. They were raving on how fun it is creating films and learning how to do different tricks in their filming. I also need a couple more Cambridge credits to get my diploma, so I thought I would try this out because of this class's great reviews. I expect to learn how to edit my videos to do all sorts of cool things such as cross cutting, shot/reverse shot, jump cuts, and many more interesting techniques. My goals are to be able to learn these techniques and create some really cool pieces of work. I want to keep these skills with me when I'm older because I think it is useful to know how to film. You never know where like can take you and who knows, I could end up becoming a film director. For this project, I chose to work with my buddy Jake. We've known each other since kindergarten. Ever since we met each other, we have just clicked. We would spend the night over at each others house all the time. In elementary and middle, he didn't really have a good work ethic to him, but in these past couple years of high school, he has turned himself around and does his work. He doesn't get straight A's, but I respect his work ethic now. When we worked on the PowerPoint with all of our terms on it, he took it very serious and used every class period to work on his parts of it. His personality isn't shy and so that's why he would be perfect for the camera. I have experience of photography and so us combined with the acting and filming, I think we will do well together. He plays baseball and is athletic, so he will look good in the commercial. Since he is on the baseball team, he has all the sporting equipment, so we will be able to do a commercial based on his sport. I could do one for water polo, but it might be hard to record for that as it is in the water. I would also be in a speedo and I don't know if that is allowed to be put in a Cambridge film.
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